Russia? Peugeot? Berlin? What does this flag? Who has time for hours for a driver's license study questionnaires and cramming is probably at an advantage - can it for the new citizenship test you prepare similar:
From a general Fragenkatolg with 300 questions plus a small country's catalog of 10 questions given the or the citizen to a random selection of 30 plus 3 questions. Of which must be answered correctly at least 15 plus 2. The test must be repeated again and again until it works! The
Federal Cabinet in Berlin today approved the ordinance of the Ministry of Interior to the controversial citizenship test. Thus, the questions will be from 1 September this year, mandatory. Field studies in the run have shown that many locals would make this test does not necessarily equal. After a spontaneous look at the questions just now, I can confirm that only ;-) I can imagine that we will be in demand as a supporter of integration in the future in this area ...
As in some other countries will be asked in the naturalization test civic knowledge in relation to Germany's history, culture and politics. The political and ethical Disposition of naturalization applicants will be addressed in this test. Among the questions is easier as well, to know the arms of the Federal own lanes.
Top: Flag of Berlin. Russia and Peugeot Bears seem to like it. Perhaps the immigrants in Germany with the new citizenship test is a sort of disservice been proven - time will tell.