Nuremberg, 18 September 2008. met on that sunny afternoon, the Project of 16 model projects on civic engagement to a workshop with the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF ). According to promote the theme and call these projects will not only receive financial support for their 3-year term, but also develop recommendations for local authorities, associations and other organizations in the field of migration and integration actively. To this end, and the scientific support of the Citizens for Citizens Foundation such workshops are held - it has always been active, the AWO-OWL project M + M - support migrants migrants.
top of the photo : links: BAMF building in Nuremberg. Right: Head of Unit Romy Bartels and Svend Clausen (Policy Matters) of Section 331 BAMF follow the lecture by Josef Minarsch-Engisch (Social Service, Migration Service of Protestant Württemberg eV, EMU project).
During the Nuremberg conference, the results from the four workshops conducted in the run - in Celle M + M was there - present (see photos below ). The model projects are underway in various cities and states of Germany, are among the carriers in addition to the Workers' welfare and the German Caritas Association, the German welfare organization, the German Red Cross that Diakonie and the International Confederation .
Before concluding words of Mrs. Bartels to this meeting and the next event in about a year, was Bernhard Schulz, director of Citizens for Citizens Foundation, for some models topic of sustainability. Schulz summed up the results of the two working groups, which on this afternoon had replaced the importance of volunteering for the integration work and the conditions for civic engagement in the organizations . In these two workshops AG could bring the individual representatives of the various projects their experience and insights. The interim results were presented by Natalia Douchenok (DRC Waldshut ) and José Sánchez Povedano (Joint total group) in plenary. (In the photo below left Douchenok woman is using the keyword table of AG2 just photographed by Mr. Clausen; on the photo below right holds together the work of the Lord Povedano AG1 ...)
have BAMF At this workshop I attended on behalf of David Stenzel-Scheding, coordinator of the M + project in OWL. Also Filiz Celik, head of the M + project in Paderborn, could not attend because of illness, so I'm on short notice (and like). See also private blog entry: Germany emigrated, Bayern Bechert