A great thing Empowerment best: the five state universities in Eastern Westphalia have joined forces with committed individuals, businesses and various other organizations in the region to strengthen support to students and the formation region around the Teutoburg Forest. Using the OWL study aims to support that "anyone who is capable and motivated, regardless of social background and financial situation, can study in OWL".
Empty words? Apparently not, because Reza Dehghan , a talented young man from Iran, which has been a while with the M + M lip-contact team, has now been selected by the study as a fellow OWL and can now study at the University of Applied Sciences in Lemgo ! It belongs, according to a press release of 10 November to the 230 students who have come since 2007 to benefit a scholarship. Funded students are
in OWL, which are either especially gifted or especially vulnerable - that her studies do not finance themselves, but want to study very much. The latter was the case in Reza Dehghan. Besides his studies, he sits on a voluntary basis in social terms. His willingness to help and his knowledge of Persian language and culture for the M + M lip-team a real asset.
teamwork, networking, strengthening self-help potentials: supported people with a sense of social and educational Denis Defo , which now has an interesting job with Phoenix Contact and continue in the M + project is active. Denis Defo supported Reza Dehghan, which is involved in turn now also increasingly for others. May look Empowerment as a strong tool for successful integration ...
The Photo: Welcoming ceremony of the new scholarship on 10.11.2008 at the University of Bielefeld. Reza Dehghan is 5 from the left. Good luck, Reza! !