A cold and dreary December day. While it was raining outside and getting dark, was discussed yesterday in the parliament building some members of the North Rhine-Westphalia theater world, the dilemma with the data theft and other things. Among the other things included the issues of migration and integration, although they were not in the Chamber (but in an extra room for visitors) on the agenda, but all the more passionate treated, from Ismail Aytekin (German-Turkish-friends) , Sven Neese (AWO district meeting Beasley Mountain), Murtaza Cetinkaya (Mosque Association, M + M Project) and many other interested parties - in conversation with MDL Walter core and Thomas skid , the Commissioner for Integration the state government. Core and runners took time for the Lipper migrant: Here, the visitors from OWL a suitable opportunity to ask questions to the state parliament - and to get answers, but always took him a long time and understand due to their length, unfortunately, does not automatically were. Thus, while, only a fraction of the issues brought to be addressed, but at least this and the direct in a conversation between voters and politicians. In general, it was for most participants in this day excursion, which had been the constituency office of Walter Kern (Nicole Golüke) in cooperation with the Turkish Workers' Association (Hamza Turan) well organized, the first time that they could see up close how the country's Parliament works . Political education in the pre-Christmas Dusseldorf, which was good!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Bearded Dragon Repti Sand
A cold and dreary December day. While it was raining outside and getting dark, was discussed yesterday in the parliament building some members of the North Rhine-Westphalia theater world, the dilemma with the data theft and other things. Among the other things included the issues of migration and integration, although they were not in the Chamber (but in an extra room for visitors) on the agenda, but all the more passionate treated, from Ismail Aytekin (German-Turkish-friends) , Sven Neese (AWO district meeting Beasley Mountain), Murtaza Cetinkaya (Mosque Association, M + M Project) and many other interested parties - in conversation with MDL Walter core and Thomas skid , the Commissioner for Integration the state government. Core and runners took time for the Lipper migrant: Here, the visitors from OWL a suitable opportunity to ask questions to the state parliament - and to get answers, but always took him a long time and understand due to their length, unfortunately, does not automatically were. Thus, while, only a fraction of the issues brought to be addressed, but at least this and the direct in a conversation between voters and politicians. In general, it was for most participants in this day excursion, which had been the constituency office of Walter Kern (Nicole Golüke) in cooperation with the Turkish Workers' Association (Hamza Turan) well organized, the first time that they could see up close how the country's Parliament works . Political education in the pre-Christmas Dusseldorf, which was good!
Walter Kern, Lemgo and member of the NRW state parliament, told his guests from the East Westphalia-Lippe.
The two employees of the M + project (Murtaza Cetinkaya right, and Peter Wiens, left) said the deputy to Walter Kern, in the near future to think together about the sustainability of the project.
Play color matter? Walter Kern (right) shows Hamza Turan (left), some even painted pictures in his office high above in the Diet building.
A cold and dreary December day. While it was raining outside and getting dark, was discussed yesterday in the parliament building some members of the North Rhine-Westphalia theater world, the dilemma with the data theft and other things. Among the other things included the issues of migration and integration, although they were not in the Chamber (but in an extra room for visitors) on the agenda, but all the more passionate treated, from Ismail Aytekin (German-Turkish-friends) , Sven Neese (AWO district meeting Beasley Mountain), Murtaza Cetinkaya (Mosque Association, M + M Project) and many other interested parties - in conversation with MDL Walter core and Thomas skid , the Commissioner for Integration the state government. Core and runners took time for the Lipper migrant: Here, the visitors from OWL a suitable opportunity to ask questions to the state parliament - and to get answers, but always took him a long time and understand due to their length, unfortunately, does not automatically were. Thus, while, only a fraction of the issues brought to be addressed, but at least this and the direct in a conversation between voters and politicians. In general, it was for most participants in this day excursion, which had been the constituency office of Walter Kern (Nicole Golüke) in cooperation with the Turkish Workers' Association (Hamza Turan) well organized, the first time that they could see up close how the country's Parliament works . Political education in the pre-Christmas Dusseldorf, which was good!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Hair On Breasts Early Pregnancy
International Volunteer Day
Not enough money? Is it perhaps really believe that some areas in our society simply not enough money available, so that is a vast amount of work and services are forced to be taken over by volunteers? Or is there really that many people with helper syndrome, which can not but help as, as where "Not the Man" is, where assistance is most needed? Perhaps the motivation for volunteer work in our world is also easy to sharpen only humanity or pragmatism or the opportunity of a personal profile? Either way: This Friday today by the UN to International Volunteer Day been declared. And because this is M + M Project, a project with volunteers , this is a good opportunity to once again underline the following:
MEANING: The volunteers are active integration assistants and helpers needed FACT and by the people who are helped, much appreciated!
CONTEXT: The integration into a larger institution known (... in our case it is the AWO in OWL ...) is useful and necessary: appropriate facilities, more public legitimacy, full-time support - these are just a few reasons that speak for it ...
MONEY: No allowance for volunteers without full-time caregiver and also runs an ever so good project after completion sometime in the sand ...
So, dear UN, love jurisdiction on the levels of federal, state and community, love charities: Please consider these aspects when you're talking about today or later once again how important it is citizenship ...
picture on top: Lemgo mayor Dr Reiner Austermann (gray suit) and NRW Landtag Walter Kern (black suit) are equal to speak their words of greeting - here in the summer-2008-District Festival of the AWO in Lemgo-mountain beasts. The other person in the photo are a participant or active volunteer at the many offers of AWO-district meeting ...
Not enough money? Is it perhaps really believe that some areas in our society simply not enough money available, so that is a vast amount of work and services are forced to be taken over by volunteers? Or is there really that many people with helper syndrome, which can not but help as, as where "Not the Man" is, where assistance is most needed? Perhaps the motivation for volunteer work in our world is also easy to sharpen only humanity or pragmatism or the opportunity of a personal profile? Either way: This Friday today by the UN to International Volunteer Day been declared. And because this is M + M Project, a project with volunteers , this is a good opportunity to once again underline the following:
MEANING: The volunteers are active integration assistants and helpers needed FACT and by the people who are helped, much appreciated!
CONTEXT: The integration into a larger institution known (... in our case it is the AWO in OWL ...) is useful and necessary: appropriate facilities, more public legitimacy, full-time support - these are just a few reasons that speak for it ...
MONEY: No allowance for volunteers without full-time caregiver and also runs an ever so good project after completion sometime in the sand ...
So, dear UN, love jurisdiction on the levels of federal, state and community, love charities: Please consider these aspects when you're talking about today or later once again how important it is citizenship ...
picture on top: Lemgo mayor Dr Reiner Austermann (gray suit) and NRW Landtag Walter Kern (black suit) are equal to speak their words of greeting - here in the summer-2008-District Festival of the AWO in Lemgo-mountain beasts. The other person in the photo are a participant or active volunteer at the many offers of AWO-district meeting ...
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