experiences of Timon Warum zur Freiwilligenarbeit / Praktikum / Volontariat / Zivi nach Lima, Peru? Also, ich werd mich jetzt teilweise wohl Wiederholen
Dass ich fuer mein letztendlich FSJ im Ausland in Lima gelandet bin mehr oder weniger Zufall war. Ich wollte the chance to make Zivi abroad to be able to use and learn the other side of the world a bit. Out of so-called "western world", a reality to know that has to do with the familiar and not much know most of them only from reports, but for a large part of humanity, everyday life is. I wanted to learn, share, and offer my help where I thought it might be useful.
Well, South America was somehow clear from the outset. On the one hand because of the reputation that South America has the South American flair, on the other hand, because I'm looking for a country such as one in Africa have not felt ready, because there certainly much more severe again Realities prevail. And in South America, Peru has me most interested in - why can not say I really, more an irrational feeling. So I'm here schwerpunktmaessig advertised, but certainly also in some neighboring countries. I then has a place here promised, and so am I came here.
What you have presented to you from your stay here, what were your expectations?
a bit I just got the above cut already. Just get to know another side of the world at all, learn new things, to encourage the smallest level of an exchange of cultures and greater mutual understanding. to offer my help, where they and is used by one another, a Justice only if tiny step towards a balance towards a Learning together in a more peaceful future to make. A new country, a new culture, learning a new language.
What was or is it now that you're including with respect to the expectations?
that Lima is ugly - in front of me had previously warned that the whole world and I had just seen more as a challenge and opportunity that focus to be on interpersonal encounters, rather than leave the beach and palm trees divert large. When I was here, I was surprised even more positive because soo ugly I found it now and not interesting wars all times. It was more modern than I expected, at least in some parts, but also expected by the stark contrasts as. It was also not as dangerous as everyone had warned me before, even in the aspect of a positive surprise.
regard my first job, however, had not met my expectations completely. Especially in a country with such extreme social contrasts, it was to live anything but in a sense, in Miraflores and San Isidro to work in order to offer my help to the rich part of the population who has not financially necessary. The work with the children was interesting, but the whole affair was just the opposite of what I wanted. Therefore, to change my decision and I what to look new.
In Aynimundo my ideas and reasons to come here are made much better. The only disadvantage, in that we are for Ayni appeared so unexpectedly and surprisingly out of nowhere, there was at least in the beginning no real tasks for us and it has only used his time, until I searched my job and found my place, had sometimes accompanied of the feeling, not really useful to be able to. I assume however that this is for future volunteers will be different, since even now the idea Ayni would like to deepen with the volunteer work and just that at all are now prepared and can miteinplanen.
What do you take for you?
course a lot of valuable experiences and memories. Aspects of a new country, new culture, a different reality, different perspectives, different priorities, different values, and and and (where each "and" not for is "blablabla", but each for mean to be a valuable experience). have
experiences and new perspectives that will surely Change customer my future life and certainly even now something changed in me. But well, that one can not as an outsider not so good judge and you'll get even with the first Nachherein and over time.
The recognition that voluntary service to a much greater extent than assumed the volunteer benefits and significantly less than expected of the institution or group of people with which you work, or any good to help you ...
English course, as a new language, which I had no idea before now and I still can talk quite well. The Love for Peru, I'll also home with. And be sure to come back.
And the will, the volunteer year is not on 22 to leave in July end, but I continue to use the thing and the like. also
And Hoarwoerschdd.
What you would have done differently, what would you want to give to newcomers?
learn more English before! As much as possible and as much as possible! The vast majority of tasks only work with good communication, with a better and better. And no nothing.
And of course I would have to inform me before in more detail what exactly is that for a job, I'm getting at, and should be much more critical. Then would be the "Miss passage", the confusion does not happen. However, one learns from every experience and somewhere everything has its good and its meaning.
on the site Note: Just out of this situation with a lack of accurate information or not is of course tschaebere this information pool. We are on the right track ...
How could you imagine an Unerstuetzung with each other to present here in Lima?
I'm not the one who keeps a close contact with fellow countrymen patency for absolutely needed if I'm in another country kennzulernen to new.
But in any case makes great sense in my eyes is to take out and to share experiences, to coordinate things, new ideas have or to discover and develop reflexionieren, the focus of wide ... Through the exchange with other projects to take new ideas into your own project. Information exchanges and communication with future volunteers.
And so I think it's great that we do now to get started and I am hopeful that this is where a stimulating, constructive and informative network, and will help where I can.