Review Julia
Why Volunteer work / internship / volunteer / Zivi to Lima, Peru?
In the 10th Class came up with the idea, the desire with me, my 11th to spend a year abroad. Thus I came by encouraging a friend to the area South America. Thus, it should to Bolivia (La Paz go), but ultimately did not work. I consoled myself with the time after school, 3 years later. Very detailed but still without much success so I was looking for projects / Voluntärstellen the internet, and I but met with almost exclusively breakneck "offers" of up to 11,000 €. Leafing through an old magazine I came across an article from Lima Children's Home. In the photo a volunteer was shown a specified contact address. I reported to the organization and so was Lima, Peru as the target. Also, I would not think of another Latin American country can, Peru but I was somehow always the most well known.
What have you presented to you from your stay here, what were your expectations?
Lima, Peru: had told the truth, I do not really any idea what to expect. Mainly been checking the temperature, so the right to pack, I arrived in Lima. Although I had heard of shopping centers, fitness centers, internet cafes, etc., but I would niemlas this magnitude presented. The entire skyscrapers, the traffic (Via Expresa, Evitamiento) were things that went hand in hand for me at all with the "behind worldly" Peru. So I was thinking more and more the province of Peru with my image of Lima.
Volunteer: regard to the volunteer work I had already experienced some bad things shortly before. Ca. 3 weeks before departure visited my girlfriend (at the time and future volunteer; Lena Köver) and I am a former a volunteer, which we already reported on the prevailing problems in the children's homes. For Lena and I was therefore in advance of a possible project Changing the rear head. Unfortunately, we went through the preliminary information set very negative approach to work. In the end, but nothing changed, even with optimistic thoughts later, at the beginning of difficult situation.
What was or is it now that you're here also in terms of expectations?
In the end I am therefore very surprised that one here can quite "normal" life and must have the "picture" of the folks back home (friends / family) smile very often. Of course there are huge differences depending on quarter, but first you can but a "European" living with one or the other constraints (water, sanitation), but also benefits (very cheap food (fruit)!) Live.
As for poverty, I had already seen pictures here, the issues addressed in the school. Now I'm just happy to be "Middle" was spoken with the people have to. The first time for me in a "pueblo joven" was very impressive, hard, but I quickly realized that here we can feel safer than some in the city center (-> character of the village).
What do you take for you?
Since I've worked up into different projects, there are some very different things that I take with me.
SAL eV (orphanage) : This project clearly shows me the importance of a good organization, is a framework for volunteer assignments. The responsible couple in Germany is unfortunately only a financing role. You do not know what is going on in the homes and therefore, the employees a free hand, which amounts to a very one-side, subjective action / access to the children. Americans often came to visit with her big "gift bags". This invited them off and disappeared. Already here, I started thinking more about sustainability of social projects.
Visita especial (family visits): This work helped me to more clearly independent, as I sometimes alone in the pueblos jóvenes moving. I got a very personal insight into the situation of people in these slums, but also recognize individual differences. Some are struggling and some fall in poverty and see many opportunities to improve the situation (not more). The disabled child swinging single, it is very sad how few opportunities there are for them. Here I particularly was very conscious of the need. The children have met with me a lot of love, ideas and joy. I feel in dealing with people with disabilities now safer, initial fears are gone and I am aware that disabled people are like you and me. We all just have our differences.
Aynimundo (Kindertaller): Work in this project has influenced me in many ways as I respect a lot of project organization, Waldorfpaedagogik have learned what for me an even more field was unknown. In particular, the cooperation, support to the German children's relief was very interesting to witness, as just a foster child project is built. The issue of sustainability was here again a very different role. The exchange with the teacher Lyggia that had previously been in Germany, has produced a very interesting cultural exchange.
What you would have done differently, what would you want to give to newcomers?
I would have to try everything in my English and want. But just getting started in a German 4-MaedelWG this was quite difficult! I am grateful and glad to have changed my project. I give all volunteers the advice to be open, "feel relax and just to many (though not all things) involved, because this results in the most exciting and most experiences.
How could you imagine an unexpected support each other to present here in Lima?
I have a regular exchange of trainees of different projects are very important and valuable. Even as the 1st Help would be super
(where is the Connect Cafe,?))
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