A cold and dreary December day. While it was raining outside and getting dark, was discussed yesterday in the parliament building some members of the North Rhine-Westphalia theater world, the dilemma with the data theft and other things. Among the other things included the issues of migration and integration, although they were not in the Chamber (but in an extra room for visitors) on the agenda, but all the more passionate treated, from Ismail Aytekin (German-Turkish-friends) , Sven Neese (AWO district meeting Beasley Mountain), Murtaza Cetinkaya (Mosque Association, M + M Project) and many other interested parties - in conversation with MDL Walter core and Thomas skid , the Commissioner for Integration the state government. Core and runners took time for the Lipper migrant: Here, the visitors from OWL a suitable opportunity to ask questions to the state parliament - and to get answers, but always took him a long time and understand due to their length, unfortunately, does not automatically were. Thus, while, only a fraction of the issues brought to be addressed, but at least this and the direct in a conversation between voters and politicians. In general, it was for most participants in this day excursion, which had been the constituency office of Walter Kern (Nicole Golüke) in cooperation with the Turkish Workers' Association (Hamza Turan) well organized, the first time that they could see up close how the country's Parliament works . Political education in the pre-Christmas Dusseldorf, which was good!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Bearded Dragon Repti Sand
A cold and dreary December day. While it was raining outside and getting dark, was discussed yesterday in the parliament building some members of the North Rhine-Westphalia theater world, the dilemma with the data theft and other things. Among the other things included the issues of migration and integration, although they were not in the Chamber (but in an extra room for visitors) on the agenda, but all the more passionate treated, from Ismail Aytekin (German-Turkish-friends) , Sven Neese (AWO district meeting Beasley Mountain), Murtaza Cetinkaya (Mosque Association, M + M Project) and many other interested parties - in conversation with MDL Walter core and Thomas skid , the Commissioner for Integration the state government. Core and runners took time for the Lipper migrant: Here, the visitors from OWL a suitable opportunity to ask questions to the state parliament - and to get answers, but always took him a long time and understand due to their length, unfortunately, does not automatically were. Thus, while, only a fraction of the issues brought to be addressed, but at least this and the direct in a conversation between voters and politicians. In general, it was for most participants in this day excursion, which had been the constituency office of Walter Kern (Nicole Golüke) in cooperation with the Turkish Workers' Association (Hamza Turan) well organized, the first time that they could see up close how the country's Parliament works . Political education in the pre-Christmas Dusseldorf, which was good!
Walter Kern, Lemgo and member of the NRW state parliament, told his guests from the East Westphalia-Lippe.
The two employees of the M + project (Murtaza Cetinkaya right, and Peter Wiens, left) said the deputy to Walter Kern, in the near future to think together about the sustainability of the project.
Play color matter? Walter Kern (right) shows Hamza Turan (left), some even painted pictures in his office high above in the Diet building.
A cold and dreary December day. While it was raining outside and getting dark, was discussed yesterday in the parliament building some members of the North Rhine-Westphalia theater world, the dilemma with the data theft and other things. Among the other things included the issues of migration and integration, although they were not in the Chamber (but in an extra room for visitors) on the agenda, but all the more passionate treated, from Ismail Aytekin (German-Turkish-friends) , Sven Neese (AWO district meeting Beasley Mountain), Murtaza Cetinkaya (Mosque Association, M + M Project) and many other interested parties - in conversation with MDL Walter core and Thomas skid , the Commissioner for Integration the state government. Core and runners took time for the Lipper migrant: Here, the visitors from OWL a suitable opportunity to ask questions to the state parliament - and to get answers, but always took him a long time and understand due to their length, unfortunately, does not automatically were. Thus, while, only a fraction of the issues brought to be addressed, but at least this and the direct in a conversation between voters and politicians. In general, it was for most participants in this day excursion, which had been the constituency office of Walter Kern (Nicole Golüke) in cooperation with the Turkish Workers' Association (Hamza Turan) well organized, the first time that they could see up close how the country's Parliament works . Political education in the pre-Christmas Dusseldorf, which was good!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Hair On Breasts Early Pregnancy
International Volunteer Day
Not enough money? Is it perhaps really believe that some areas in our society simply not enough money available, so that is a vast amount of work and services are forced to be taken over by volunteers? Or is there really that many people with helper syndrome, which can not but help as, as where "Not the Man" is, where assistance is most needed? Perhaps the motivation for volunteer work in our world is also easy to sharpen only humanity or pragmatism or the opportunity of a personal profile? Either way: This Friday today by the UN to International Volunteer Day been declared. And because this is M + M Project, a project with volunteers , this is a good opportunity to once again underline the following:
MEANING: The volunteers are active integration assistants and helpers needed FACT and by the people who are helped, much appreciated!
CONTEXT: The integration into a larger institution known (... in our case it is the AWO in OWL ...) is useful and necessary: appropriate facilities, more public legitimacy, full-time support - these are just a few reasons that speak for it ...
MONEY: No allowance for volunteers without full-time caregiver and also runs an ever so good project after completion sometime in the sand ...
So, dear UN, love jurisdiction on the levels of federal, state and community, love charities: Please consider these aspects when you're talking about today or later once again how important it is citizenship ...
picture on top: Lemgo mayor Dr Reiner Austermann (gray suit) and NRW Landtag Walter Kern (black suit) are equal to speak their words of greeting - here in the summer-2008-District Festival of the AWO in Lemgo-mountain beasts. The other person in the photo are a participant or active volunteer at the many offers of AWO-district meeting ...
Not enough money? Is it perhaps really believe that some areas in our society simply not enough money available, so that is a vast amount of work and services are forced to be taken over by volunteers? Or is there really that many people with helper syndrome, which can not but help as, as where "Not the Man" is, where assistance is most needed? Perhaps the motivation for volunteer work in our world is also easy to sharpen only humanity or pragmatism or the opportunity of a personal profile? Either way: This Friday today by the UN to International Volunteer Day been declared. And because this is M + M Project, a project with volunteers , this is a good opportunity to once again underline the following:
MEANING: The volunteers are active integration assistants and helpers needed FACT and by the people who are helped, much appreciated!
CONTEXT: The integration into a larger institution known (... in our case it is the AWO in OWL ...) is useful and necessary: appropriate facilities, more public legitimacy, full-time support - these are just a few reasons that speak for it ...
MONEY: No allowance for volunteers without full-time caregiver and also runs an ever so good project after completion sometime in the sand ...
So, dear UN, love jurisdiction on the levels of federal, state and community, love charities: Please consider these aspects when you're talking about today or later once again how important it is citizenship ...
picture on top: Lemgo mayor Dr Reiner Austermann (gray suit) and NRW Landtag Walter Kern (black suit) are equal to speak their words of greeting - here in the summer-2008-District Festival of the AWO in Lemgo-mountain beasts. The other person in the photo are a participant or active volunteer at the many offers of AWO-district meeting ...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Is Magnum A Condon Size Or A Brand
study OWL
A great thing Empowerment best: the five state universities in Eastern Westphalia have joined forces with committed individuals, businesses and various other organizations in the region to strengthen support to students and the formation region around the Teutoburg Forest. Using the OWL study aims to support that "anyone who is capable and motivated, regardless of social background and financial situation, can study in OWL".
Empty words? Apparently not, because Reza Dehghan , a talented young man from Iran, which has been a while with the M + M lip-contact team, has now been selected by the study as a fellow OWL and can now study at the University of Applied Sciences in Lemgo ! It belongs, according to a press release of 10 November to the 230 students who have come since 2007 to benefit a scholarship. Funded students are
in OWL, which are either especially gifted or especially vulnerable - that her studies do not finance themselves, but want to study very much. The latter was the case in Reza Dehghan. Besides his studies, he sits on a voluntary basis in social terms. His willingness to help and his knowledge of Persian language and culture for the M + M lip-team a real asset.
teamwork, networking, strengthening self-help potentials: supported people with a sense of social and educational Denis Defo , which now has an interesting job with Phoenix Contact and continue in the M + project is active. Denis Defo supported Reza Dehghan, which is involved in turn now also increasingly for others. May look Empowerment as a strong tool for successful integration ...
The Photo: Welcoming ceremony of the new scholarship on 10.11.2008 at the University of Bielefeld. Reza Dehghan is 5 from the left. Good luck, Reza! !
A great thing Empowerment best: the five state universities in Eastern Westphalia have joined forces with committed individuals, businesses and various other organizations in the region to strengthen support to students and the formation region around the Teutoburg Forest. Using the OWL study aims to support that "anyone who is capable and motivated, regardless of social background and financial situation, can study in OWL".
Empty words? Apparently not, because Reza Dehghan , a talented young man from Iran, which has been a while with the M + M lip-contact team, has now been selected by the study as a fellow OWL and can now study at the University of Applied Sciences in Lemgo ! It belongs, according to a press release of 10 November to the 230 students who have come since 2007 to benefit a scholarship. Funded students are
in OWL, which are either especially gifted or especially vulnerable - that her studies do not finance themselves, but want to study very much. The latter was the case in Reza Dehghan. Besides his studies, he sits on a voluntary basis in social terms. His willingness to help and his knowledge of Persian language and culture for the M + M lip-team a real asset.
teamwork, networking, strengthening self-help potentials: supported people with a sense of social and educational Denis Defo , which now has an interesting job with Phoenix Contact and continue in the M + project is active. Denis Defo supported Reza Dehghan, which is involved in turn now also increasingly for others. May look Empowerment as a strong tool for successful integration ...
The Photo: Welcoming ceremony of the new scholarship on 10.11.2008 at the University of Bielefeld. Reza Dehghan is 5 from the left. Good luck, Reza! !
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Taste Of Cervical Mucas When Pregnant
diversity in lip
Last night, the district of Lippe something organized, what was actually long overdue, but certainly not happen too late: all (or most probably all) MSO representatives who are active in the lip, was a first joint meeting with representatives of the circle and with Zuständingen of the network lip invited - and in large numbers. Under the COMM IN project diversity in lip motivate Sabine legs (Integration Commissioner of the Lippe and director of the Immigration Office of the circle in the photo left) and Dr. Wolfgang Sieber (head of the labor market integration in the network lip, in the photo in the middle) all to provide active and interested in MSO lip to their ideas and resources to further close integration work in lip and hope for positive synergies with the new type of cooperation.
Both women's legs as well, Dr. Sieber, who are responsible for the implementation of the project diversity in lip can imagine, the experience and structures of the M + project in the future (after expiration of the BAMF-promotion in summer 2009) to use at the local level - that was certainly my impression after the short personal conversations with them. It would make sense. Opportunities for cooperation will emerge is certainly still ...
right in the photo Orhan Aydin is, employees of the network lip. He explained in lip successfully running and migrant-specific Assessement project on competence assessment in adolescents. Orhan Aydin was also very clear example of how it can NOT work: (? And therefore just asked) The animals pictured below all have the same task, climbing rapidly up the tree ...
Last night, the district of Lippe something organized, what was actually long overdue, but certainly not happen too late: all (or most probably all) MSO representatives who are active in the lip, was a first joint meeting with representatives of the circle and with Zuständingen of the network lip invited - and in large numbers. Under the COMM IN project diversity in lip motivate Sabine legs (Integration Commissioner of the Lippe and director of the Immigration Office of the circle in the photo left) and Dr. Wolfgang Sieber (head of the labor market integration in the network lip, in the photo in the middle) all to provide active and interested in MSO lip to their ideas and resources to further close integration work in lip and hope for positive synergies with the new type of cooperation.
Both women's legs as well, Dr. Sieber, who are responsible for the implementation of the project diversity in lip can imagine, the experience and structures of the M + project in the future (after expiration of the BAMF-promotion in summer 2009) to use at the local level - that was certainly my impression after the short personal conversations with them. It would make sense. Opportunities for cooperation will emerge is certainly still ...
right in the photo Orhan Aydin is, employees of the network lip. He explained in lip successfully running and migrant-specific Assessement project on competence assessment in adolescents. Orhan Aydin was also very clear example of how it can NOT work: (? And therefore just asked) The animals pictured below all have the same task, climbing rapidly up the tree ...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Hot Pink Sparkly Poofy Dresses
BAMF - model projects
Nuremberg, 18 September 2008. met on that sunny afternoon, the Project of 16 model projects on civic engagement to a workshop with the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF ). According to promote the theme and call these projects will not only receive financial support for their 3-year term, but also develop recommendations for local authorities, associations and other organizations in the field of migration and integration actively. To this end, and the scientific support of the Citizens for Citizens Foundation such workshops are held - it has always been active, the AWO-OWL project M + M - support migrants migrants.
top of the photo : links: BAMF building in Nuremberg. Right: Head of Unit Romy Bartels and Svend Clausen (Policy Matters) of Section 331 BAMF follow the lecture by Josef Minarsch-Engisch (Social Service, Migration Service of Protestant Württemberg eV, EMU project).
During the Nuremberg conference, the results from the four workshops conducted in the run - in Celle M + M was there - present (see photos below ). The model projects are underway in various cities and states of Germany, are among the carriers in addition to the Workers' welfare and the German Caritas Association, the German welfare organization, the German Red Cross that Diakonie and the International Confederation .
Before concluding words of Mrs. Bartels to this meeting and the next event in about a year, was Bernhard Schulz, director of Citizens for Citizens Foundation, for some models topic of sustainability. Schulz summed up the results of the two working groups, which on this afternoon had replaced the importance of volunteering for the integration work and the conditions for civic engagement in the organizations . In these two workshops AG could bring the individual representatives of the various projects their experience and insights. The interim results were presented by Natalia Douchenok (DRC Waldshut ) and José Sánchez Povedano (Joint total group) in plenary. (In the photo below left Douchenok woman is using the keyword table of AG2 just photographed by Mr. Clausen; on the photo below right holds together the work of the Lord Povedano AG1 ...)
have BAMF At this workshop I attended on behalf of David Stenzel-Scheding, coordinator of the M + project in OWL. Also Filiz Celik, head of the M + project in Paderborn, could not attend because of illness, so I'm on short notice (and like). See also private blog entry: Germany emigrated, Bayern Bechert
Nuremberg, 18 September 2008. met on that sunny afternoon, the Project of 16 model projects on civic engagement to a workshop with the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF ). According to promote the theme and call these projects will not only receive financial support for their 3-year term, but also develop recommendations for local authorities, associations and other organizations in the field of migration and integration actively. To this end, and the scientific support of the Citizens for Citizens Foundation such workshops are held - it has always been active, the AWO-OWL project M + M - support migrants migrants.
top of the photo : links: BAMF building in Nuremberg. Right: Head of Unit Romy Bartels and Svend Clausen (Policy Matters) of Section 331 BAMF follow the lecture by Josef Minarsch-Engisch (Social Service, Migration Service of Protestant Württemberg eV, EMU project).
During the Nuremberg conference, the results from the four workshops conducted in the run - in Celle M + M was there - present (see photos below ). The model projects are underway in various cities and states of Germany, are among the carriers in addition to the Workers' welfare and the German Caritas Association, the German welfare organization, the German Red Cross that Diakonie and the International Confederation .
Before concluding words of Mrs. Bartels to this meeting and the next event in about a year, was Bernhard Schulz, director of Citizens for Citizens Foundation, for some models topic of sustainability. Schulz summed up the results of the two working groups, which on this afternoon had replaced the importance of volunteering for the integration work and the conditions for civic engagement in the organizations . In these two workshops AG could bring the individual representatives of the various projects their experience and insights. The interim results were presented by Natalia Douchenok (DRC Waldshut ) and José Sánchez Povedano (Joint total group) in plenary. (In the photo below left Douchenok woman is using the keyword table of AG2 just photographed by Mr. Clausen; on the photo below right holds together the work of the Lord Povedano AG1 ...)
have BAMF At this workshop I attended on behalf of David Stenzel-Scheding, coordinator of the M + project in OWL. Also Filiz Celik, head of the M + project in Paderborn, could not attend because of illness, so I'm on short notice (and like). See also private blog entry: Germany emigrated, Bayern Bechert
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Where To Sell Blood In Chicago
Calculating Cfm Of Kitchen Hoods
M + M - Migrant explore cities
Berlin, late August 2008.
The M + M teams from Paderborn and lip were traveling together to explore the German capital. Everything you never creates, in a weekend anyway - so at least a few choice things, such as the Parliament (invited by Inge Hoeger, MP), a Berlin AWO Project (stay at the Burrow) or the Berlin Mitte (at an information walk with Bernhard Schulz, Citizens for Citizens Foundation) - see program. Although all was not well, The weather was great! I liked this Saturday and Sunday in Berlin with all the voluntary active employees exceptionally well. Nice to be able to freely hold almost all the weekend for this joint action.
for our team spirit was worth gold Berlin ;-)
The overnight stay at the Burrow, a former youth hostel, was conveyed to us by Isolde bushel. She leads a project with AWO-ethnic young people and could tell 1000 stories and experiences that had nothing to more or less with the Burrow ...
The last night owls we came so against 6 clock in the morning back home - will probably be stuck somewhere in Kreuzberg ...
The Berlin-Mitte-walk with Bernhard Schulz and his partner was perfect! Berlin was sunny and cheerful, Bernhard and Katrina were well informed. They told in a way that was objective and clear and let us see Berlin and from their own perspective: could the Palace of the Republic, we, for example in superb fashion on demolition of both the Western view (Bernhard) and the East Berlin version (Katrina) noticed ... Top in the photos we are still at the Brandenburg Gate, where the info Rundang started.
Yüce and Abdulselam Yilmaz Aslan, both M + M Paderborn staff embraced by a wild animal - this is Bärlin! I felt like this all the photos I've shot posted, of course, would have been too much. With the great weather there were many beautiful shots!
On the world clock, we were reminded of our immigrant and thought briefly of the time "at home" with Papa and Mama. Or simply just because our world is ticking so beautifully different. Overall It had two sunny days. With charm and shade.
Berlin, late August 2008.
The M + M teams from Paderborn and lip were traveling together to explore the German capital. Everything you never creates, in a weekend anyway - so at least a few choice things, such as the Parliament (invited by Inge Hoeger, MP), a Berlin AWO Project (stay at the Burrow) or the Berlin Mitte (at an information walk with Bernhard Schulz, Citizens for Citizens Foundation) - see program. Although all was not well, The weather was great! I liked this Saturday and Sunday in Berlin with all the voluntary active employees exceptionally well. Nice to be able to freely hold almost all the weekend for this joint action.
for our team spirit was worth gold Berlin ;-)
The overnight stay at the Burrow, a former youth hostel, was conveyed to us by Isolde bushel. She leads a project with AWO-ethnic young people and could tell 1000 stories and experiences that had nothing to more or less with the Burrow ...
The last night owls we came so against 6 clock in the morning back home - will probably be stuck somewhere in Kreuzberg ...
The Berlin-Mitte-walk with Bernhard Schulz and his partner was perfect! Berlin was sunny and cheerful, Bernhard and Katrina were well informed. They told in a way that was objective and clear and let us see Berlin and from their own perspective: could the Palace of the Republic, we, for example in superb fashion on demolition of both the Western view (Bernhard) and the East Berlin version (Katrina) noticed ... Top in the photos we are still at the Brandenburg Gate, where the info Rundang started.
Yüce and Abdulselam Yilmaz Aslan, both M + M Paderborn staff embraced by a wild animal - this is Bärlin! I felt like this all the photos I've shot posted, of course, would have been too much. With the great weather there were many beautiful shots!
On the world clock, we were reminded of our immigrant and thought briefly of the time "at home" with Papa and Mama. Or simply just because our world is ticking so beautifully different. Overall It had two sunny days. With charm and shade.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Candida Glabratawhile Pregnant
Berlin, Berlin
The Foundation Citizens for Citizens in Berlin the M + M team in Paderborn and lip to a visit to Berlin has been invited! Not only because Berlin is so important for Germany anyway and is worth visiting again and again. Also because we have so as M + M team of OWL time together outside of OWL are on the road - and carry on this occasion both an invitation to a Bundestag Visit , and a can meet AWO project in Berlin . For the last two days in August We have a lot of us made:
Saturday 30 August 2008 06:00
clock departure station Paderborn (with Anne Kleps Busreisen )
clock 07:00 departure station Bielefeld
12:00 clock check-in at the Burrow , lunch with Isolde bushel (project "All in one Boot from Keystone eV plus AWO Berlin )
clock 14:00 Visit of the Reichstag dome and the Federal Parliament to receive Inge Hoeger, MP
16:00 clock trip to Kreuzberg - in the world Filiz and Murtaza ;-)
18:00 clock free time - Ulla Koglin (from the national office AWO) closes at 20:00
clock theater (by arrangement)
Sunday 31 August 2008
clock 10:00 Breakfast at the Burrow 11:00
Clock Information walk in the center of Berlin with Bernhard Schulz, managing director of Citizens for Citizens Foundation
13:00 clock free time clock
14:00 Departure / arrival at about 20:00 clock
changes in the program are possible. In the photo above: Berlin in the summer of 2007, before the Kaiser-Wilhelm Memorial Church , during a Berlin -day tour with the AWO-school Bielefeld. M + M integration assistant Melissa King was also there.
The Foundation Citizens for Citizens in Berlin the M + M team in Paderborn and lip to a visit to Berlin has been invited! Not only because Berlin is so important for Germany anyway and is worth visiting again and again. Also because we have so as M + M team of OWL time together outside of OWL are on the road - and carry on this occasion both an invitation to a Bundestag Visit , and a can meet AWO project in Berlin . For the last two days in August We have a lot of us made:
Saturday 30 August 2008 06:00
clock departure station Paderborn (with Anne Kleps Busreisen )
clock 07:00 departure station Bielefeld
12:00 clock check-in at the Burrow , lunch with Isolde bushel (project "All in one Boot from Keystone eV plus AWO Berlin )
clock 14:00 Visit of the Reichstag dome and the Federal Parliament to receive Inge Hoeger, MP
16:00 clock trip to Kreuzberg - in the world Filiz and Murtaza ;-)
18:00 clock free time - Ulla Koglin (from the national office AWO) closes at 20:00
clock theater (by arrangement)
Sunday 31 August 2008
clock 10:00 Breakfast at the Burrow 11:00
Clock Information walk in the center of Berlin with Bernhard Schulz, managing director of Citizens for Citizens Foundation
13:00 clock free time clock
14:00 Departure / arrival at about 20:00 clock
changes in the program are possible. In the photo above: Berlin in the summer of 2007, before the Kaiser-Wilhelm Memorial Church , during a Berlin -day tour with the AWO-school Bielefeld. M + M integration assistant Melissa King was also there.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wordings For Baby's Scrapbook
citizenship test
Russia? Peugeot? Berlin? What does this flag? Who has time for hours for a driver's license study questionnaires and cramming is probably at an advantage - can it for the new citizenship test you prepare similar:
From a general Fragenkatolg with 300 questions plus a small country's catalog of 10 questions given the or the citizen to a random selection of 30 plus 3 questions. Of which must be answered correctly at least 15 plus 2. The test must be repeated again and again until it works! The
Federal Cabinet in Berlin today approved the ordinance of the Ministry of Interior to the controversial citizenship test. Thus, the questions will be from 1 September this year, mandatory. Field studies in the run have shown that many locals would make this test does not necessarily equal. After a spontaneous look at the questions just now, I can confirm that only ;-) I can imagine that we will be in demand as a supporter of integration in the future in this area ...
As in some other countries will be asked in the naturalization test civic knowledge in relation to Germany's history, culture and politics. The political and ethical Disposition of naturalization applicants will be addressed in this test. Among the questions is easier as well, to know the arms of the Federal own lanes.
Top: Flag of Berlin. Russia and Peugeot Bears seem to like it. Perhaps the immigrants in Germany with the new citizenship test is a sort of disservice been proven - time will tell.
Russia? Peugeot? Berlin? What does this flag? Who has time for hours for a driver's license study questionnaires and cramming is probably at an advantage - can it for the new citizenship test you prepare similar:
From a general Fragenkatolg with 300 questions plus a small country's catalog of 10 questions given the or the citizen to a random selection of 30 plus 3 questions. Of which must be answered correctly at least 15 plus 2. The test must be repeated again and again until it works! The
Federal Cabinet in Berlin today approved the ordinance of the Ministry of Interior to the controversial citizenship test. Thus, the questions will be from 1 September this year, mandatory. Field studies in the run have shown that many locals would make this test does not necessarily equal. After a spontaneous look at the questions just now, I can confirm that only ;-) I can imagine that we will be in demand as a supporter of integration in the future in this area ...
As in some other countries will be asked in the naturalization test civic knowledge in relation to Germany's history, culture and politics. The political and ethical Disposition of naturalization applicants will be addressed in this test. Among the questions is easier as well, to know the arms of the Federal own lanes.
Top: Flag of Berlin. Russia and Peugeot Bears seem to like it. Perhaps the immigrants in Germany with the new citizenship test is a sort of disservice been proven - time will tell.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Building A Custom Shower
district festival in Lemgo-beasts mountain
Another year around!
Sven Neese, director of the AWO-district meeting in Lemgo mountain beasts had to do in recent days and weeks a lot - and was now at the best of sunny weather enjoy and see what happens in "his" house like this: A lot of groups and groups which use during the week, the AWO areas, presented today a lot of really nice things on the stage! And we had a lip-M + M team not be missed!
In the photo (above) are seen next to me two volunteers from the audience with an AMT poster. I'm a desperate migrants (played?), Who had to collect it there filled out his forms, but it only with the help of the M + teams (here, Murtaza Cetinkaya, Sergei Pelich, Elvira Hamm) managed to understand the questions and answer. ..
both for the integration helpers M + M-project and for the people who take the offers of support in this project claim, then: The premises of the beasts Berger neighborhood meetings are a HUGE PLUS for this work!
tension, and basked in a good mood: the audience yesterday afternoon ... have
Another year around!
Sven Neese, director of the AWO-district meeting in Lemgo mountain beasts had to do in recent days and weeks a lot - and was now at the best of sunny weather enjoy and see what happens in "his" house like this: A lot of groups and groups which use during the week, the AWO areas, presented today a lot of really nice things on the stage! And we had a lip-M + M team not be missed!
In the photo (above) are seen next to me two volunteers from the audience with an AMT poster. I'm a desperate migrants (played?), Who had to collect it there filled out his forms, but it only with the help of the M + teams (here, Murtaza Cetinkaya, Sergei Pelich, Elvira Hamm) managed to understand the questions and answer. ..
both for the integration helpers M + M-project and for the people who take the offers of support in this project claim, then: The premises of the beasts Berger neighborhood meetings are a HUGE PLUS for this work!
Friday, May 16, 2008
How To Do A Brazilian Bikini Wax Diagram
Sergei and Natalia Pelich
What she studied in Russia and several years of work already practiced, the two young psychologists will now also perform in Germany: Natalia and Sergei have Pelich few weeks ago their practice Psychology in Lemgo (see address below) opened! Both in Russian and in German they care now intensely and competently to the mental well-being of their countrymen - and their new fellow citizens here in town! Apparently it has spread from the outset that they do their job well, because there are both German-Russians and locals to them, and not only from Lemgo ... Sergei studied Pelich parallel to his work in practice for a second time psychology - this time in German, and at the University of Bielefeld. So not enough, he is also an honorary assistant in the integration of M + M lip-team.
If interested in more information on the best ask directly at the Pelich:
practice of psychology
Bismarckstr. 16 32657 Lemgo
Tel 05261-8089328 or 0173-8867226
The Photo I made exactly one week ago: Sergei and Natalia before AWO-district meeting Beasley mountain - in the Partners look :-)
What she studied in Russia and several years of work already practiced, the two young psychologists will now also perform in Germany: Natalia and Sergei have Pelich few weeks ago their practice Psychology in Lemgo (see address below) opened! Both in Russian and in German they care now intensely and competently to the mental well-being of their countrymen - and their new fellow citizens here in town! Apparently it has spread from the outset that they do their job well, because there are both German-Russians and locals to them, and not only from Lemgo ... Sergei studied Pelich parallel to his work in practice for a second time psychology - this time in German, and at the University of Bielefeld. So not enough, he is also an honorary assistant in the integration of M + M lip-team.
If interested in more information on the best ask directly at the Pelich:
practice of psychology
Bismarckstr. 16 32657 Lemgo
Tel 05261-8089328 or 0173-8867226
The Photo I made exactly one week ago: Sergei and Natalia before AWO-district meeting Beasley mountain - in the Partners look :-)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Cervix 7 Weeks Pregnant
Today I Hamza Turan proudly showed the current edition of the "Turkish Bild Zeitung in Germany: On the side of the NRW- Hürriyet were a few Photos from Lemgo! Directly from the interior of the AWO-district meetings mountain beasts, where the M + M integration aid worker and independent seamstress Melissa King some charming examples of their handicrafts exhibited . On this Sunday afternoon in early April allowed prospective local and foreign visitors not only admire Melissa's art or even acquire - they could simply sit back and Turkish music and Turkish specialties enjoyed from the kitchen! And if not exactly Kerem Çaliskan personally was there - Hürriyet was there and reported:
Simply click on image to enlarge the article. The front page (Top) and the article (on the left) are in Hürriyet output from today (18.04.08).
Today I Hamza Turan proudly showed the current edition of the "Turkish Bild Zeitung in Germany: On the side of the NRW- Hürriyet were a few Photos from Lemgo! Directly from the interior of the AWO-district meetings mountain beasts, where the M + M integration aid worker and independent seamstress Melissa King some charming examples of their handicrafts exhibited . On this Sunday afternoon in early April allowed prospective local and foreign visitors not only admire Melissa's art or even acquire - they could simply sit back and Turkish music and Turkish specialties enjoyed from the kitchen! And if not exactly Kerem Çaliskan personally was there - Hürriyet was there and reported:
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Tophi Gout Support In Australia
forced marriage in Paderborn
forced marriage? Who will in the 21 Century, moreover, forced to marry? The answer is shocking! For it is by no means "no one" and neither "hardly anyone".
As Sonja Fatma Wind last Saturday in Paderborn, which said that for help constantly (and from year to year more and more!) Of forced marriage, honor killings and domestic violence affected women and men turn to them, was also present MuM-Mitarbeiter/innen clear that this is a dark figure, which must be much higher than previously thought. Sonja Fatma winds, the German-Turkish speaker with Kurdish family history, had been in a previous workshop meeting with the Paderborn integration assistants introduced to the topic. With a detailed description of their own history of suffering which it has maintained in her book Henna Moon , they sensitized the participants for all the taboo topics at issue here.
Especially we, the volunteers dedicated integration assistants could and should with a mixture of sensitivity to the culture of their own countrymen, and critical Distance to the misuse of violence-promoting structures engage stakeholders in their efforts. As part of its profit, registered association, which is also Henna Moon offers Sonja Fatma glasses on all hands ends their help and support.
The Photo above: During an "experiment" last Saturday in the midst of the Paderborn integration assistants: Sonja Fatma glasses, second from left.
forced marriage? Who will in the 21 Century, moreover, forced to marry? The answer is shocking! For it is by no means "no one" and neither "hardly anyone".
As Sonja Fatma Wind last Saturday in Paderborn, which said that for help constantly (and from year to year more and more!) Of forced marriage, honor killings and domestic violence affected women and men turn to them, was also present MuM-Mitarbeiter/innen clear that this is a dark figure, which must be much higher than previously thought. Sonja Fatma winds, the German-Turkish speaker with Kurdish family history, had been in a previous workshop meeting with the Paderborn integration assistants introduced to the topic. With a detailed description of their own history of suffering which it has maintained in her book Henna Moon , they sensitized the participants for all the taboo topics at issue here.
Especially we, the volunteers dedicated integration assistants could and should with a mixture of sensitivity to the culture of their own countrymen, and critical Distance to the misuse of violence-promoting structures engage stakeholders in their efforts. As part of its profit, registered association, which is also Henna Moon offers Sonja Fatma glasses on all hands ends their help and support.
The Photo above: During an "experiment" last Saturday in the midst of the Paderborn integration assistants: Sonja Fatma glasses, second from left.
Friday, March 7, 2008
What Do I Oil Mango Wood With
Next team meeting
To all staff of the M + M lip-teams: Our next meeting (originally scheduled for next Monday) moved and now finds on Friday (14.3. 10-12 Clock) instead. Some of us may not be on Monday and asked for the postponement.
To all staff of the M + M lip-teams: Our next meeting (originally scheduled for next Monday) moved and now finds on Friday (14.3. 10-12 Clock) instead. Some of us may not be on Monday and asked for the postponement.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Nadine Jansen Playing Squash
M +, Maya, mother tongues ....
My little trip to Belize me very well ;-) On the subject of "migrant support migrants" I've learned: Sometimes, to help immigrants who are new in the country, these migrants, the almost 'locals are. In Belize, for example, the Mennonites supply the entire country with rice, meat and dairy products. They had come only a few decades and make up barely 5 percent of the population. In addition to the indigenous Mayan population lives in Belize migrants from many different countries. The Mennonites have their "colonies" with pasture and arable land in the middle of the tropical rain forest maintain their own schools and administrations, and live with multilingual Plautdietsch, English, German and English - most of them can also regional Creole.
The photo shows an old Mayan temple in Lamanai, close to the Mennonite colony Blue Creek . The photo was on 21 Made in February 2008, on NATO Nalen International Mother Language Day, shortly before I've climbed all the steps ...
My little trip to Belize me very well ;-) On the subject of "migrant support migrants" I've learned: Sometimes, to help immigrants who are new in the country, these migrants, the almost 'locals are. In Belize, for example, the Mennonites supply the entire country with rice, meat and dairy products. They had come only a few decades and make up barely 5 percent of the population. In addition to the indigenous Mayan population lives in Belize migrants from many different countries. The Mennonites have their "colonies" with pasture and arable land in the middle of the tropical rain forest maintain their own schools and administrations, and live with multilingual Plautdietsch, English, German and English - most of them can also regional Creole.
The photo shows an old Mayan temple in Lamanai, close to the Mennonite colony Blue Creek . The photo was on 21 Made in February 2008, on NATO Nalen International Mother Language Day, shortly before I've climbed all the steps ...
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