forced marriage? Who will in the 21 Century, moreover, forced to marry? The answer is shocking! For it is by no means "no one" and neither "hardly anyone".
As Sonja Fatma Wind last Saturday in Paderborn, which said that for help constantly (and from year to year more and more!) Of forced marriage, honor killings and domestic violence affected women and men turn to them, was also present MuM-Mitarbeiter/innen clear that this is a dark figure, which must be much higher than previously thought. Sonja Fatma winds, the German-Turkish speaker with Kurdish family history, had been in a previous workshop meeting with the Paderborn integration assistants introduced to the topic. With a detailed description of their own history of suffering which it has maintained in her book Henna Moon , they sensitized the participants for all the taboo topics at issue here.
Especially we, the volunteers dedicated integration assistants could and should with a mixture of sensitivity to the culture of their own countrymen, and critical Distance to the misuse of violence-promoting structures engage stakeholders in their efforts. As part of its profit, registered association, which is also Henna Moon offers Sonja Fatma glasses on all hands ends their help and support.
The Photo above: During an "experiment" last Saturday in the midst of the Paderborn integration assistants: Sonja Fatma glasses, second from left.
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