As M + M lip-team we will meet at least every two weeks, usually on Mondays and Fridays changes, sometimes even on Saturdays. We try to arrange that we invite about once a month a consultant or a speaker to introduce ourselves as integration assistants to qualify for our work - In workshops or training courses on various issues, now and then, together with the M + M team in Paderborn. For the next few weeks and months since the date following are planned:
Friday, 25.01.2008, 10-12 Clock, team meetings
Monday, 11.02.2008, 10-12 Clock, team meetings
Saturday, 02/23/2008, 10-16 Clock, Training (Sucht. ..)
Wednesday, 02/27/2008, 18-22 Clock, integration conference in the museum in Herford MARTa
Monday, 10.03.2008, 10 - 12 clock, team meetings
Saturday, 03/15/2008, 15-18 Clock, M + M Paderborn (Zwangsheirat. ..)
Friday, 03/28/2008, 10-12 Clock, team meetings
Monday, 07.04.2008, 10-12 Clock, team meetings
Saturday, 19/04/2008, 10-13 Clock, Clemens Lübbers man
Saturday, 14/06/2006, 10-16 Clock, are possible with M + M-Paderborn, Clemens Lübbers man
changes, updates to follow. The photo on the ASJA and Mika visited the AWO office in wages ...
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