now met for the third time the Lemgoer working group volunteer - this time in the rooms of the residential park Elise pin in Sauer Street.
Dagmar Begemann (coordinator of the multi-generational house) and Patrick buses (TV Lemgo) were invited together with representatives of the press "to come to discuss it, what clubs and associations can actively do to ensure that their concerns and their commitment public by the media gets. " And this conversation actually took place! Thomas Reineke, Lemgo LZ local chief, and Michael Kolm (lip-date, Lemgo) were personally present, offered valuable tips and descriptions of how it looks on the "other side of the desk." As example, there are a lot (!) Post, and the sole reason he knew he had A press release will actually be a press release ...
that in the Old City of Lemgo also immigrants are active volunteer, is not a secret anymore. Have now won again refer briefly to the M + project in this city ;-)
to Photo Collage above: Despite different interests make it the active volunteer with the Redakteueren again, the public (or vice versa?) to provide information - sometimes better, sometimes worse. This working group meeting is intended to contribute to the improvement ... ( MdL Walter Kern, also ehrenamlich always active, even very active, was now attending: see Photo, center, top)
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